Graduate Degrees

Graduate Degrees

Graduate Degrees

There are many degree options, ranging from two-year associate to four-year bachelor’s, to two-year master’s, to doctorate and professional degrees, that can vary in length. The common areas of study are just as varied as the degree level options.

Because graduate education is a common way to gain advanced professional training in a very specific subject,

  • Time to degree varies based on the type of program.
  • It is typically the shortest for master’s programs (one to two years of post-graduate study) and the longest for doctoral programs (five to seven years of post-graduate study).
  • Resource Management,

It can be divided into three main areas:

Master’s Degrees

(Approximately one to three years, or three to nine full-time semesters)

A master’s degree in Canada typically requires two years of study after the successful completion of an honour’s baccalaureate. It is a highly-specialized post-graduate study and may lead to professional practice.

There are two main types of master’s degrees:

Academic Degree: An academic master’s program is likely to result in

  • Master of Arts (M.A.)
  • Master of Science (M.S.) degree.

Many people earn an academic master’s degree with the intention of continuing on to doctoral study.

Professional Degree:

Some of the more common professional master’s degrees include

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master of Education (M.Ed.).

Programs often expect the student to propose and conduct significant original research culminating in a major project, thesis, and/or comprehensive examination

Doctoral Degrees

(Approximately 4-6years)

In general, a doctorate in Canada comprises at least two to three years’ equivalent full-time study in comprehensive and analytical coursework, followed by an independent dissertation or thesis. PhDs and other doctorates are required for many professions such as

  • University Professor,
  • Doctor
  • high-level administration jobs in government,
  • health care,

The average timeframe to complete a Doctorate is 4-6 years.

  • D. degrees are commonly found at both public and private research universities.
  • The normal qualification for a doctoral program is a master’s degree. However, students have been allowed, in special circumstances, to pass directly from an honour’s baccalaureate program into a doctoral program.
  • The most common type of Doctoral Degree is: Academic Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

This is a terminal degree in most academic fields and is primarily oriented toward training for research, writing and teaching at an advanced level combine with advanced practical skills with the usual doctoral focus on research and pedagogy. Such programs include

  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
  • Doctor of Education (Ed.D.).
  • Health Professions and Clinical Sciences
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Biological and Biomedical Sciences,
  • Psychology
  • Physical Sciences.

Professional Degrees

Professional degrees can be found at law and medical schools throughout the country. The most popular types of professional degrees include:

  • Juris Doctorate (J.D.), a law degree
  • Medical Doctor (M.D.), a physician’s degree
  • Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.), a dentistry degree
  • Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), a pharmaceutical medicine degree

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